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Red Flags—Signs That It’s Time to Make a Change Part I

make a change

make a changeHow do you know if it’s time to make a change in your career?

  • You dread getting out of bed in the morning- every morning. Do you repeatedly hit the snooze button? Do you have an overwhelming desire to stay buried under the covers, far from demands, deadlines, and clamoring co-workers? One of the biggest red flags of job dissatisfaction is an unwillingness to face the day—not just some mornings, but every morning. What’s your body trying to tell you?
  • Your work relationships and performance are beginning to suffer. You start to avoid certain people and tasks and you’re not doing your job as well as you used to. Remember when group projects were productive and enjoyable, chatting with co-workers in the hall was a pleasant break from the daily routine and “Happy Hour” truly was happy? If you now find yourself avoiding particular persons and duties, slacking on your reviews or really dreading company outings, chances are you’ve lost that loving feeling for your job.
  • You work tirelessly, even staying late to accomplish tasks or finish projects because you feel like you have to, but you get no joy or satisfaction from what you produce for your company anymore.
  • You start to slack off at work and have little or no motivation to perform. And this isn’t just a few days a month; it’s become a regular occurrence. You spend a good part of your work days immersed in “escapist” activities—nonessential e-mailing, surfing the Internet, or micro-managing a project in order to procrastinate. You find yourself playing the avoidance game in any way you can. This is definitely a sign that something is wrong.

If any of these red flags are waving at you, it’s probably time to seriously consider changing jobs, whether it’s moving into a new position at your current company or changing your course completely by choosing an entirely different career path. Whatever you do, don’t remain miserable.

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