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On a Personal Note, Hallie Recommends – Daily Candy for Kids

As you know, I am pregnant – about 6 months along now. And I’m becoming immersed in kid stuff, although I’ve tried to resist it :) I’m trying to keep as much of former self intact as possible before I become a mom.

I read Daily Candy and love their style, wit and suggestions for things to check out. They’ve got some new editions for kids that I recommend checking out – for those hip parents out there. Here’s the deal:

The Kid Stays in the Picture
Introducing Local Kids Editions – Want help keeping up? Sign up now for one (or more) of the five brand-spanking-new local editions of DailyCandy Kids, launching September 17. Every Monday you’ll receive the hottest, newest, savviest local scoop for moms and dads, from the best after-school swimnastics to can’t-miss kidswear (and momwear) sample sales to services that make parenting a little easier and a lot more fun.

Young Adult Coach

PS. Don’t forget my next career class begins next week, Sept 11. Click here for more information about the Career Seekers Teleclass, a group coaching program that will help launch you towards the career of your dreams!