Networking – What you might be missing

I met with a VP at a public relations agency, Mary, a few months ago. We talked about LinkedIn and how it is an important resource for job search, and for career management. I know many people are not on LinkedIn and many others feel they don’t need to be. Some professionals are at the top of their career path, or even the tails end of their career and don’t see the need for continued networking. I disagree with this perspective, and Mary did too. She felt that if you’re not on LinkedIn, you’re not taking your career seriously, or you’re not realizing the value of networking throughout your career or job search, regardless of what industry you are in.

I can see how some professionals, like doctors, government employees or professors, who don’t rely on networking as a critical piece of their marketing strategy for their professional life or business may not believe it is imperative to have a LinkedIn profile. I think this is shortsighted. As the economy becomes more global, professionals become more transient in their careers, and online networking through social media becomes a critical marketing strategy for professionals.

LinkedIn is a vital part of your portfolio, just like a resume is. For those in the throes of a career transition or job search, this is an even more critical tool. LinkedIn is no longer optional. I think it makes a statement if someone these days asks you if you’re on LinkedIn and you’re not. It could seem like you’re not taking your career or job search seriously.

Hallie Crawford
Career Transition Coach