Networking versus chatting – How to get away from the talkers

Any career coach will advise you that statistics show the key to finding a job is through networking. So you find an appropriate event, you dress for success, and you’re ready to network.  At the event, however, what do you do when you meet “the “talker” who only wants to chit-chat and doesn’t add information? If you continue talking, you’ll lose significant time and lose potential networking opportunities. You don’t have to feel stuck.  Simply assert yourself.  When you’re ready to meet someone else, simply say, “I enjoyed talking with you.  I promised myself to meet at least five other people, so will you excuse me? I hope you enjoy the event.”

If you fear you’re being impolite, realize that you may be doing the other person a favor because they can now meet someone else and so can you.  The most important promises to keep are the ones you make to yourself, so prior to any networking event, promise yourself to meet at least five people. Then, when you explain your reasoning for meeting other people, you’re being perfectly honest.  Now you have a new tactic to apply.  Enjoy your next networking event!

Hallie Crawford and Terry L. Wynne, Ed.S., LPC, BCC
Certified Career Coaches

P.S. Are you in the ideal career for you? Find out if you’re in the right career with our Ideal Career Quiz.