Must-Have Info for Aspiring Web Business Owners

Dear Career Seeker,

Hi! My name is Dina and I’m a successful web copywriter and friend of Hallie’s. While I’m visiting her blog, I wanted to share a secret with you.

I was once as unsatisfied in my nine-to-five job as you are.

But thankfully, those days are over. Today, I run a copywriting and marketing business online. I get to meet and work with all kinds of cool entrepreneurs (like Hallie) from around the country!

I realize you may still have a ways to go before that web-based business you’ve always dreamed of becomes reality for you. Thankfully – you’re working with Coach Hallie, and she’s one of the best!

Want to know what else you need to “grow your own biz online?”

Want to know what helped push me into the forefront of my industry, and what skill I use to help my online clients do the same?

Article marketing.

If you can write intelligent, one-page articles geared toward your target market, you can get your own website very high up on Google! And that’s important, because it’s how your future customers will find you on the web.

Discover how article marketing can grow your online presence and get you paying customers.

Come learn about my e-book, Article Power: Create Dynamite Articles and Watch Your Sales Explode.

Writing articles is easy, fun… and it can make you money.

Visit for more info. Learn about a terrific marketing strategy that has helped many people (including ME!) grow an online business from scratch.

Rooting for your success and happiness,

Dina at Copywriting and Marketing