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Lost Your Job? That May Be Good News!

lost your job

lost your jobHave you lost your job? Losing your job can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the world. In some cases, it actually could be the best thing that has ever happened to you!

I had a client, years ago, call me, and she sounded great — much better than she ever had during our previous coaching sessions. Two minutes into the conversation she said, “I got fired last week and I’m so happy!” She had wanted to move on for a long time. So if you’ve recently lost your job, although we know in many ways it’s not ideal, here are a few ways to reflect on your situation and find the silver lining. It’s important to keep a positive attitude and keep moving forward.

Read the rest of Hallie’s article on Talent Zoo called, “How Losing Your Job Can Be the Best Thing That Ever Happened to You.”