Learn to leverage your maturity in your job search!

I really liked this article from the Huffington Post about leveraging your “maturity”, or your age when you’re looking for a new job: Looking For a Job? Make Maturity Work for You!

We’re constantly reminded about the problems with age-ism and discrimination related to that and it doesn’t help. You can’t change your age, so focus on why it is a plus or positive thing, instead of worrying about it affecting your job search. Leverage it, tout it, and be proud of the experience you bring to the table! I promise you that it is worth a lot. You get to choose the perspective you take on your qualifications, and taking a negative one certainly won’t help. So ask yourself, “Why is my age, and my specific work experience, a positive thing? How does my unique set of skills and background set me apart from other job seekers in my industry?”

Focus on the positive aspects of your situation, such as these two mentioned in the article:

  • You have market knowledge and a well-honed skill set gained over years of experience. You need less time on the job training and can hit the ground running…

  • You have life skills gained over years of experience dealing with people. Remember those soft skills are ones that employers can’t teach you and can make the difference between you being hired over someone else. They can train you on their software, teach you how to be a better sales person, but they can’t teach you to have a strong work ethic or be a team player. Your life skills that come with age are invaluable.

If you’d like more help on your job search, please contact us today for a complimentary consultation.

Hallie Crawford
Dream Job Coach

P.S. Are you frustrated with your job search? Check out our FREE REPORT: ”Take Control of Your Career Transition: Uncover Hidden Opportunities”.