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Learn How to Overcome This Common Obstacle to Career Change: Fear

With CYCP, Overcome the Common Obstacle to career Change

With the Great Resignation showing no signs of slowing down, many professionals are doing what they never thought possible- quitting their jobs. In fact, a recent FlexJobs survey found that of the professionals who recently quit their jobs, 68% of them did so without having another job lined up, leaning on savings and side jobs.

Maybe you think that sounds like a great thing to be able to do, but it’s scary and…you could never do that! We understand. While the Great Resignation is empowering many professionals to fight for what they want in their careers, fear is still a common, understandable, and healthy obstacle to making a career change. If you weren’t a little afraid, we’d be more concerned about that! We understand this challenge because 9 out of 10 clients tell us that they are their biggest obstacle to making a career change. We want you to take risks but measured, calculated, and smart ones.

How can you overcome this common career obstacle? We share our top three tips to get you started because we truly care.

#1 Name your fears. The first step to overcoming your fears of making a career change is to identify them. It may be helpful to use a notebook or folder specifically for this exercise. Think about everything that scares you about quitting your job and making a career change, then write it down on paper. Describe what your fears are, including words, thoughts, and feelings. Once you have written everything down, see if there are any common themes to your fears. You may find that all of your fears can be grouped into one or two main fears.

#2 Acknowledge the truth behind your fears. Once you have identified your fears, determine what truth, if any, there is to your fears. From there you can determine a plan of action to more effectively manage obstacles. For example, your fear might be that you aren’t really qualified for the career you want to move into. Is there a ring of truth there? Do you need to take some classes or learn a new skill set in order to qualify for the position? Knowing what you need to do to overcome that obstacle can help you create an action plan and take away some of your fear and negative thinking.

#3 Maintain a positive outlook. A positive outlook is important for so many reasons. Our attitude will ultimately affect our actions. This is true when making a career change as well. Try to take small steps every day to cultivate a positive attitude, such as taking a break from the news or social media. Talk to a friend or network connection who has made a successful career change and ask them for their input and advice. Take time for self-care.

Life is too short to not truly enjoy your job. Don’t let fear hold you back from making a career change. Need help? Let’s talk. Set up a free consult today!