Learn from a Client Success Story – Anna Vacca

My career teleclass client Anna Vacca wrote a wonderful testimonial about being in my class. Here are the tips from her story that can help you.

Tip #1: See the silver lining
Anna was able to see the silver lining in being laid off from her job.

“I’m working in a job I couldn’t stand. Until lucky enough I get laid off. What to do? I didn’t have a clue. I just knew I didn’t want to go back…”

She realized that getting laid off was actually one of the best things that happened to her. When something negative happens to you, ask yourself-what’s the possible silver lining here?

Tip #2: Have courage
Anna realized that she would be okay and that she would be able to find another job. She found the courage inside herself to create a new path and not just jump into another unfulfilling job. I am so proud of her. It takes courage to admit you’re unhappy and decide to take steps towards fixing it. This is your life. If you are unhappy, find the courage to do something about it. Buy a book for motivation, ask a friend for support, hire a coach,just do something.

Tip #3: Invest in yourself, take the time
With her courage, Anna is investing in herself. She is taking the time to figure out what she does want to do long term and investing in herself by taking my class.

“It was overwhelming, and hard to find a place to start. I’d never really had the time to ever think “What would I really enjoy doing” but then another thought comes to mind “what would I enjoy doing AND get paid enough to actually do it?”… “So I read everything I could to figure it out, to really do something to help myself during such a confusing time.”

Tip #4: Take action
Take action towards your dream career. Even small steps are better than standing still. I received an email with life tips late last year – here’s one of them: “When in doubt, just take the next small step.”

“I’ve never felt so good about where I’m headed… This [Hallie’s Career Seekers Teleclass] is a perfect place to start if you’re just feeling stuck or unhappy with your career or position in life.”

You can do it! You don’t have to settle for less than a job you truly enjoy.

Good luck! Hallie