Last Chance! Career Support Times Three… at a Price You Can Afford

A final reminder about my terrific Career Seekers’ Teleclass before the course begins on October 17, 2006.

If you just signed up, welcome aboard! We’re excited to help you along in your journey toward self-discovery and a more fulfilling career that you look forward to every single day… for the rest of your life.

If you haven’t signed up yet but would like to, there’s still time to get “Career Support Times Three” at half the cost of individual coaching…

Career Seekers’ Teleclass – Receive Ongoing Guidance and Support from 3 Sources:

  • Hallie Crawford, Certified Career Coach (via teleclasses teachings, small group advisory and feedback, plus unlimited email access)
  • Your Career Seekers’ coursework buddy (a partner to talk with, share resources and yes maybe even commiserate with)
  • Other group members who are facing the same challenges you are

My Career Seekers’ Teleclass is the companion teleclass to “I Can’t Believe I Get Paid to Do This!” by Stacey Mayo. This comprehensive, resource-rich course will help secure the foundation for your future dream job… one session at a time.

The Career Seekers’ Teleclass will take place 3 Tuesdays each month for 4 straight months. Just 55 minutes per session and it will change your life!

(Plus, you get personalized attention, tons of resources and tools, ongoing peer support… and unlimited private access to Hallie Crawford by email.)

Hallie’s Career Seekers’ Teleclass will help you discover how to:

  • find a career you are passionate about
  • finally figure out “what you want to be when you grow up”
  • create wealth by putting your greatest talents to use
  • lay down the framework for the job of your dreams!

Only THREE spots still open… if you seek career guidance but aren’t ready for one-on-one coaching, this class is a great first step on the path to an exciting new career that you love.

The Career Seekers’ Teleclass is the LAST career class I’ll be running in 2006… so don’t wait another minute. Sign up now… I promise you it will be time well spent.

For program details, please contact Hallie to register:

When: Starts Tuesday, October 17, 2006 – 12 sessions
Cost: $200/month for 4 months

Don’t wait… you CAN have a job you truly enjoy.