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It’s Time to Be More Optimistic


optimisticHallie was honored to be interviewed on Marketplace Radio recently about why it’s possible to be more optimistic about your career prospects. As a follow up to that interview, we wanted to share some more information with you.

Even with the downturn in the stock market in recent weeks, job seekers and professionals have reason to be more optimistic about their career prospects. It’s time to take charge of your career again and ask for what you want. Our clients, although still realistic, are more optimistic and encouraged that they can make a career change, ask for the salary they feel they deserve, and even ask to create a new position in their organization tailored just for them. Here are some thoughts to consider as you think about your next career move and goals…

  1. Ask for what you’re worth. You can be more aggressive with salary requests than you could 5 years ago. However, make sure you do your research by location and industry to be realistic. Don’t over-inflate your request but there’s no need to be hesitant about asking for the salary you are worth commensurate with the industry and role you’re applying for.
  2. Remember, if you aren’t looking to make a job change, you can make your current job better. During the recession months, productivity was being pushed to the limit. Employees were doing more but making the same salary. If you have been a hard worker and been productive at the same organization, that gives you leverage to ask your employer for more. Don’t be afraid to ask for additional opportunities, or just assume it won’t happen. Don’t just sit around and wait for employer to hand benefits to you, whether it’s salary or more responsibility. Take charge of your career, always ask for what you want.
    • We have had 2 clients in the past 2 months do just that. One in Washington state, has been with her company for 13 years and frankly, is bored. She asked her boss twice this year for additional responsibility and nothing happened. She finally went over her boss’s head and went to her boss’s boss, the one who hired her, and made the same request. As of last week, they had created the new position she suggested. *Keep in mind, it’s not always appropriate to go over your boss’ head. These situations can be touchy so, before acting, be sure to get advice from a coach, a mentor or a friend.
    • The other client in Nashville Tennessee, proposed a new department, with him at the helm, for his existing company. They agreed to it. He starts his new job in a few months. Keep in mind there is value in looking in your own backyard…

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