This article, Job Search: ‘Tis the Season… So Get Out There! is from late November, but I think it is still worth reading. I wanted to share with you this excerpt….
January and February represent the strongest hiring period of the year. New projects, initiatives, and budgets are put into place and hiring generally skyrockets at the beginning of the year. Although not every January can promise a boom in the marketplace, by actively networking and positioning yourself as a valuable and enthusiastic candidate, you’ll be well on your way to getting that all important call for an interview on January 2nd.
In my Mercer MBA workshop last week, we talked about the concept of sharpening the saw from Steven Covey. Keep your skills sharp so you remain competitive in your job search. Always be looking for a way you can stand out from your peers.
If you found this helpful, and want help taking the next step in your job search, please contact us today for a complimentary consultation.
Hallie Crawford
Certified Career Coach
P.S. Be sure to join us for our FREE TELECLASS: How to Find Your Dream Job in 2012. Register here.