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Inspirational Quote for Monday and Pics from my Jackson Hole Trip

I was reading through my personal quote book today and came across this one I really like. I don’t know where I got it but I keep a list of quotes that speak to me in a small notebook on my desk. Every once in a while it’s fun to look through it, I recommend you do this with quotes that mean a lot to you. They can provide inspiration when you most need it!

"Existence is a given, but being fully alive is a decision."

This is true – I believe that living your life the way you want to, in a way that makes you feel fully alive – is a choice. You can choose to spend your time doing things you enjoy and that fulfill you, or not. Make the choice to be fully alive today! Don’t wait.

And just for fun…Here are some pictures from my trip to Jackson Hole, Wyoming last week. My mom took my hubby and I on a pre-baby trip to get some R and R. My friends call this a baby-moon, the last trip before the baby is born. Being out there made me feel fully alive. It is absolutely beautiful.


Have a Great Week!

Career Coach