Inspirational Quote and Hallie Recommends: The Body Shop

I received a beautiful card recently from a Career Seekers class participant, Erin Douglas McCann. Here’s the quote on the card:

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” Henry David Thoreau

Here’s a cute journal on Amazon with this quote on the front. To help you identify and mentally focus on your dreams. More on that Wednesday…

Erin is living her life according to her values and priorities by being an independent consultant with the Body Shop at Home. She chose the Body Shop because their products are made with the environment in mind, they support fair trade and are against animal testing. Check out Erin’s website if you’d like to buy any Body Shop products or want to be a consultant with them. Rock on Erin!

If you need help identifying your values or priorities in life, contact me. It’s much easier to identify these with the help of a coach. Hallie

Creating Your Own Path Coach, Hallie Crawford