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How to Move Past the Obstacles to an Encore Career

encore career

encore careerRecently Hallie Crawford, certified career coach, was asked to contribute an article to the Local Job Network about encore careers.

Many find it difficult to imagine starting an encore career. After working for a certain number of years in a specific industry, it can be hard to visualize yourself in a new industry – or even a new position in the same area. Change is tough for anyone and including those in this final phase of their professional life. Normally, an encore career is a career started in the second half of one’s life that, while providing an income, can provide even greater personal meaning than your previous career depending on your goals and desires for this phase. There can be several obstacles that prevent many from even imagining having an encore career.

Learn more about this topic including:

  • Four Common Obstacles
  • How to Motivate Yourself

Read the entire article here!