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How to Handle Criticism at Work

work criticism

work criticismIn a recent article on Glamour, Certified Career Coach, Hallie Crawford was asked to give her input on, “8 Tips for Handling Criticism at Work.”

When we’re trying so hard to excel at work, it’s not easy to face the fact that we’ve fallen down on the job—literally—no matter how gently the news is delivered. But receiving criticism in a positive way is critical to our career growth, our experts say.

Say thank you. According to Hallie Crawford, career coach and founder of career coaching agency Hallie Crawford, there are two little words your boss will love to hear after he or she delivers criticism: Thank you. “Always thank your boss for giving you criticism, and let them know that you appreciate their interest in you,” says Crawford. Why? Because, as Crawford explains, “it will prevent the situation from turning into an unnecessary conflict, and shows you’re willing and open to growth.”

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