Happy New Year! Finding a Career that FITS for the New Year

Hope you had a wonderful holiday break. Here are some quick tips from a recent article I wrote for finding a career that is right for you and making the career transition…

  • Take a deep breath: Take some pressure off this process. We tend to take this so seriously that we can end up becoming tight and stressed about it. That never helps, relax and know everything will work out.
  • Believe in yourself: Have confidence that you will figure this out. The more confident you are, the more motivated and successful you will be.
  • Realize this is a process: Career transition is a process that can take some time. It is ok that it does; you want to find the right fit for you.
  • Consider all of the components to a satisfying career: One of the things I see people do is take a job that meets some of their needs, but not all of them. Find something that meets your criteria, don’t just settle for something because it’s offered.
  • Start now: Don’t wait til you’re in pain and feeling desperate.
  • Create a transition plan and be committed: Create a plan for the change, don’t just jump into it without thinking. Be 100% committed to the process.
  • Get support: Find someone who can support you in your journey; a coach, a friend, a mentor.

To read the rest of this article visit my New Free Articles page on my website.

Good luck! Hallie Career Transition Coach Hallie Crawford