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Hallie Recommends: My Girlfriend’s Kitchen and P.S.

I’ve talked before about how vitally important it is to have support during your career transition, and to make things easy on yourself while you’re going through the change. When I was changing career paths and working 2 jobs, my husband and I would argue about who would cook dinner. Boy that was fun-NOT. I wish My Girlfriend’s Kitchen had been around at that time. It’s a meal-preparation service that will save you time in the kitchen when you are busy devoting your free time to your career change. I have tried it and am now addicted. When you are in transition you need all the help you can get. I recommend checking this out. They have a rewards point system that lets you earn points towards a meal. If you sign up for the service, mention my Girlfriend ID! 70953.


PS. And don’t forget, my last Career Seekers Teleclass for 2007 starts next Tuesday Sept 4th – so act now! Click here for more info and to sign up. Imagine having more than just a job…having a passion and purpose. You can! Find out how in the Career Seekers Teleclass.