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Career Corner: Job Interviewing: Ten Tips for Success, continued

Tip #2: Remember, you’re interviewing them, too.
So many people view the job interview as a test—and they’d better pass with flying colors or they’re in trouble. This puts a lot of pressure on you as the interviewee. And yes – on some level, you are being tested. You do need to make a good impression and be your best. But remember – the “test” is simply to see if you’re a good match for the company. So it works the other way, too. This is your chance to see if theirs is the kind of culture that fits your style. It’s possible that you’ll get there and find out you don’t even want the job! Or, you might figure out that it’s only worth it if they meet you at a certain salary amount. Ask lots of questions…know what you’re getting into, and then weigh your options carefully. You are interviewing them too, it’s not a one way street.

These Career tips are excerpted from one of my recent career articles published in the National Contract Management Association’s "Contract Management" magazine. You can read the finding a career you love.

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