Free resource – Get creative with your job search!

There are so many free career resources out there on the web that people just don’t know about or haven’t taken the time to find and utilize. I know job searching is tough; sometimes we just get sick of it and want to throw in the towel. You can’t do that though. You have to get creative with your job search and figure out how to keep going!

I’m always surprised at speaking engagements when I mention the O*NET database and most of the people in the room haven’t heard of it. Career transition can be tough guys. You have to get creative with the resources at your disposal. There are so many more out there that you just probably don’t know about. The O*NET database and website is one of them. Be sure to check it out this week:

Check out the latest video on my YouTube channel, Get your foot in door: Call them up, for more tips to help you get creative in your job search.

Hallie Crawford
Career Transition Coach