I took this test for free and found it helpful. For free you get: a portion of your results, along with a partial list of possible careers for you. It’s a start. I wouldn’t say alone it helps you find your ideal career path, but it definitely can help.

This is important: Whenever I recommend a career testing tool to a client, (I use the Rockport Career Test) I let them know they need to use the test results in conjunction with a coaching session or two. This is because each test measures specific things about you – like your skills, motivations, or work style for example. What they typically don’t do is provide a complete, comprehensive picture of all of the components you need to consider in defining the ideal career for you. To get that, you really need to have a coaching session with a career coach who knows what to look for in defining the ideal career path.

Here’s the blurb from the MAPP website:

Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential (MAPP) www.assessment.com

MAPP is a world-class personal assessment that takes 15 minutes to complete. MAPP identifies your true motivations toward work and allows you to match yourself to job categories to see where you best fit.

I hope this is helpful, Hallie