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Food for Thought: Who Controls Your Future – You or the Economy?

Happy Monday! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! This week's food for thought is: Who Controls Your Future – You or the Economy?

I had 2 speaking engagements recently and the hot topic of course is the economy and what it means for your career search. Here's a question I came across recently from The Pathfinder: "Are you going to design your future, or is your past going to keep doing it for you?" GREAT question, what's your response?

In the same line of thinking "Are you going to let the current economy stand in the way of identifying your ideal career?" You know the right answer…

Remember, you can't always control external circumstances but you can control your reaction to them. You get to choose – Are you going to let past fears, beliefs or negative thoughts decide your future?

Here's a new perspective for you on this tougher economy and what it means for your job search: You can see this as an obstacle that will keep you stuck, or an opportunity to take the time to identify your ideal job. If you've lost your job and have no other income, of course, find another job/source of income right away. You have to pay your bills; that goes without saying. But you can also see losing your job or the tougher economy as a chance to assess where you are in your career path and identify what you are passionate about. There's nothing like tougher times to help us focus on what's really important.

Take a stand for your future. Get in touch with me if you're ready to blast off. 

Here's to having a career you love!
Hallie Crawford
Career Seekers Coach

PS. Here's a recent article I was featured in from the Atlanta Journal Constitution about coping with a job loss or stressful job search.