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Food for Thought – The Pitfalls of List Consciousness

Today’s Food for Thought comes from an excerpt from a book called Finding
  the Deep River Within
by Abby Seixas.

"List consciousness is a state of mind that is entirely future-oriented.
  With a subtle but constant quality of rushing, it operates on the
  premise that life will happen once everything is crossed off The List…When you are in list consciousness, you are leaning into the future and completely missing the present.”

This month as part of giving thanks, when you find yourself dwelling on, or stressing about, future tasks and projects, consciously bring your focus back to the present, breathe and enjoy the moment.

I suggest you resist the
temptation to rush through your “Holiday To Do List” and be sure to
take some time to really celebrate what you have accomplished this year
and the good things that are going on in your life.

Happy Monday!

Hallie Crawford
Atlanta Career Coach