Happy Monday and welcome back from what was hopefully a nice, restful holiday weekend. I was good this year and did not stuff myself too much with turkey, pie and all the trimmings. Just a light food coma for the rest of the day :)

Here’s the quote for the week. And I was SO flattered to read a MySpace post from a career teleclass client that I HAD to share…Thanks Anna!

“Life shrinks and expands in proportion to one’s courage.” Anais Nin

My client Anna Vacca had the courage to see the silver lining in her job situation and do something about it.

“I’m working in a job, a job I couldn’t stand. Until lucky enough I get laid off. What to do? I didn’t have a clue. What not to do? I just knew I didn’t want to ever go back…”

What she’s doing about it is taking the time to figure out what she does want to do and investing in herself by taking my class. I am so proud of her. It takes courage to admit you’re unhappy and decide to take steps towards fixing it. But this is your life, find the courage inside of you to do something about it.

“I’ve never felt so good about where I’m headed… This [Hallie’s Career Seekers Teleclass] is a perfect place to start if you’re just feeling stuck or unhappy with your career or position in life.”

You can do it, you don’t have to settle for less than a job you enjoy. To read more about my career teleclass visit my Teleclasses page.

The Brazen Careerist Penelope Trunk has an inspiring post about finding courage to steer your career.

Good luck! Hallie Career Coaching Hallie Crawford