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Check it Out: Gift Certificates available for the holidays

Know someone who’s struggling with their career direction or unhappy in their job? Give the gift of coaching to help them get started in a new direction for 2007. Here’s an excerpt from an interesting career coaching article:

“With an increase in the number of people launching job searches,” said Branton, “competition is going to really heat up, and job seekers are going to have to be more savvy than ever about how they’ll distinguish themselves from all the other people who want the same job they have their eyes on. For people who are having trouble finding and securing meaningful work, career coaching can be the difference between staying unemployed or in a job they don’t like and finding a job they love.”

Gift certificates are available for any coaching service or teleclass. Some recent examples of gift certificates people have purchased include:

  • Two individual coaching sessions
  • Career testing plus one coaching session
  • Career teleclass audio recording

The gift of coaching is a gift that will literally change their life!

Contact me to discuss your gift. Best regards, Hallie