I received this email from a former client this recently and I wanted to share it with you all. It made me want to remind you that this process can take time AND everyone’s process looks different. You have to be careful when comparing yourself to others. When you do this you can lose focus on your specific situation and needs. All this does it distracts you, and wastes your time and energy.

Hi Hallie,

It’s Stacy. I was in your group career coaching sessions last year.. or was it the year before last.. Oh my.. I think last year. Anyways, I wanted to update you that I changed jobs. I’m actually working for the same company just in a new position. I remember while I was in your group that most people don’t make a drastic career change just a slight change. I had discovered in your sessions that I wanted to do international marketing. I was a Marketing graduate and working at an advertising agency. We actually rented a portion of our office to a market research firm. Both companies are owned by the same parent company. I would overhear the market research side’s conversations and think how serious their business sounded and they were always traveling and working with elite businesses. Well – I just started talking to one manager at a time and eventually was connected to the right person on their side. Last fall they started inviting me to help on their projects and this year I got an offer to work for them FT. I’m a Junior market researcher…It’s a lot more work and traveling sounds glamorous but it’s more work than play. There’s enough time to enjoy nice meals and see a museum or two and that’s pretty cool to me. I really respect the intelligence level of my coworkers, and I was missing just being around smart people.

It’s still early, but I did it! Thanks for your help.. I’m sure I’ll need your help again down the road.

All the Best,


What first steps are you going to take to find your dream job? Remember that it can take time! If you need help contact us for a complimentary consultation.

Have a great weekend!

Hallie Crawford
Atlanta Career Coach