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How to Find Your Place in the Professional World

finding your placeDo you feel like you don’t belong at your current job? If the answer is yes, you’re not alone. According to a Gallup study, this has become a worldwide issue. The study shows that only 13% of employees worldwide are engaged at their jobs. This means that most professionals are unhappy and do not feel like they fit in their current organization. So what can you do to fix it?

Uncover your strengths. One of the biggest reasons business professionals don’t feel engaged is because they don’t know what their strengths are. Strengths are a combination of talent, knowledge and skills. When you use your strengths correctly at work, they should make you feel effective, fulfilled and focused. Take some time to identify your top five strengths. Maybe you are good at making decisions, at teaching, or at meeting new people. Think about things people commend you for, what they ask you for advice about and areas you excel in at work for clues. If you still aren’t sure, ask a trusted friend or coworker what they think you do better than others.

Rank your strengths. Once you have identified your top five strengths, determine which strength gives you the most fulfillment and put them in successive order. Now you have a better idea about how you can make your job more appealing.

Make better use of your strengths. Once you have identified your strengths, ask yourself how often you are using these strengths at your current job. Is there a way you can implement them into your job description to use your strengths more fully? Do some research to see how you can make better use of your strengths in your job position online or speak with your mentor about concrete steps you can take weekly.

If you still need help with discovering your strengths and using them more effectively in the workplace, don’t miss our upcoming Strengthsfinder Workshop. Register for it here.