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What is Your Cover Letter Saying?

cover letter

cover letterIs your cover letter saying the right things? Or, do you even have one?

Clients ask many questions when inquiring about my services. However, out of all the questions asked, there is definitely one that is most common – “Do I need a cover letter?” The simple answer – YES!

There has been much discussion and many conflicting opinions on the need of a cover letter but to put it plainly, a cover letter is vital to your job search.

First of all, yes, there are some employers who do not care to read a cover letter, however, there are just as many employers who will not give your resume a first glance if a cover letter is not included! This means there is a 50/50 chance that you have one or the other. So, make sure all your bases are covered. DO make sure you have a cover letter, and if the employer doesn’t care to read it, they will put your cover letter aside. The other 50% will read it.

Secondly, do not let your cover letter be a reiteration of your resume, nor should it be lengthy. The cover letter acts like an introduction of you! Make it short and sweet. Let your personality shine through. It can be used to address any changes, for instance, a relocation, industry change, absence, and employment gaps. If you were referred to the position by someone in particular, then by all means, mention their name on your cover and reference how you know them. Use your cover letter to highlight those other qualities that make you perfect for the position – your personality traits. Include an accolade from a manager or peer.

To summarize – do not send your resume without a cover letter, because without a cover letter, you are likely missing out on 50% of those potential positions. Now, why set the deck against you from the beginning?

Thank you to our resume expert, Jasmine Marchong, for this article and the resume tips. Want more Resume and Cover Letter Tips? Watch these helpful videos Hallie has created by clicking here.