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No matter what your next career goal is, having a professional and up-to-date resume is essential. If you are job searching, you want your resume to stand out from the crowd and get into the hands of a hiring manager. And if you are looking for a promotion, submitting a current resume can make a good impression with your superiors.

We provide resume critiques to all of our clients to help them present their best self on their resumes. With so much advice available online and AI tools that can write your resume for you, it can be hard to know what exactly you should include on your resume. We truly care about your career success, so we recently spoke with our executive resume writer Abdul Majid about common resume questions that we get from our career coaching clients. We hope that these answers to common resume questions are helpful for you.

Should you keep a separate sheet of references to be provided if they’re needed or do you automatically send it with your resume?

References are normally provided inside the resume when it is a requirement of recruiters or job posting.

Do company-specific awards warrant being mentioned on the resume or is it better to rename them to something that’s more generic?

If the award directly aligns with the skills and qualities required for the job you are applying for, it should be highlighted.

How many proof points should be included in a resume?

Your resume should include several proof points that showcase your skills, qualifications, and achievements.

What changes are recommended to target similar roles outside of my current industry?

You need to replace the starting summary section and areas of expertise with key words related to your targeted role.

How long should my list of key proficiencies be?

When listing key proficiencies on a resume, it’s essential to strike a balance between being concise and informative. You want to highlight your most relevant and significant skills without overwhelming the reader with an exhaustive list. Including too many proficiencies can dilute the impact of your resume and may not effectively communicate your core strengths.

Need more resume help? Schedule a free consult today.