Career Workshop – Join Hallie Live Today in Marietta, GA

"Survive the Job Crisis: Creating Career Possibilities for Yourself in 3 Short Steps"

Date: TODAY August 11th
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Where: Social Hall at Temple Kol Emeth located at 1415 Old Canton Rd. in Marietta, GA.

In this presentation, I will give you the three critical steps you need to take right now in order to survive the job crisis. I will show you how to create possibilities for yourself – despite the tough economy.

If you want to find out how to survive, and even thrive, during these tough times, join us!

Hallie Crawford
Career Transition Coach

P.S. Can’t make it to this event? Join me for a free teleclass on this topic on Wednesday August 26th. You can register here.