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Career Tips for a Happy, Healthy Holiday

Career Coach Hallie Crawford was recently asked to contribute some career tips for an article in Best Self Atlanta magazine. In the article, Best Advice – Tips for a Happy, Healthy Holiday, she gives the readers career tips on work related issues. The article also delves into tips related to food, family, fitness, and travel.
career-tipsHere were some of the career questions Hallie answers:

  • Asking for time off is a sensitive subject for many employees. What is the best way to broach the topic with your boss?
  • Is there anything employees should avoid doing when asking for time off?
  • Is it important to look like a team player and avoid taking holiday time off?
  • What tips do you have for employees who want to pull their weight but also enjoy their vacation?

Click here to read the article!

Are you interested in getting more career tips? Or, do you need help finding your ideal career? Why not set up a free consultation with Hallie Crawford to see if career coaching can help you?

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