Career Support Times Three… at a Price You Can Afford

Dear Career Seekers,

  • Are you ready to have a career you are passionate about?
  • Want to have greater career direction, confidence and a sense of empowerment?
  • Imagine waking up each morning and feeling excited about going to work …(Cool, huh!)

Secure your spot today!

The Career Seekers Teleclass is an exciting and empowering 12 week journey to help you begin to find a career you are passionate about and learn how to make it happen. The class starts February 6. We have a ball in these classes, and I hope you’ll join us.

At half the cost of individual coaching, you will receive ongoing guidance and support from 3 sources:

  • Me, Hallie Crawford, Career Coach Extraordinaire (via teleclasses teachings, small group advisory and feedback, plus unlimited email access)
  • Your Career Seekers’ coursework buddy (a partner to talk with, share resources and yes maybe even commiserate with)
  • Other group members who are facing the same challenges you are

What you get …

This comprehensive, resource-rich course will help you secure the foundation for your future dream job… one session at a time.

The Career Seekers Teleclass takes place 3 Tuesdays each month for 4 straight months. Just 55 minutes per session and it will change your life! All calls are recorded; if you miss a class, you can make it up.

Plus, you get personalized attention, tons of resources and tools, ongoing peer support… and unlimited access to me by email.

You will discover how to …

  • find a career you are passionate about
  • finally figure out “what you want to be when you grow up”
  • create wealth by putting your greatest talents to use
  • lay down the framework for the job of your dreams!

Listen to an intro: Click here to listen to an intro to the Career Seekers Teleclass and get an inside peek at how I run my dynamic and information-rich teleclasses: teleclass intro audio recording.

Start now: If you need career guidance but aren’t ready for one-on-one coaching, this class is a great first step on the path to an exciting new career that you love.

For program details and to register, visit the Career Seekers page on my website, or contact me directly to register: hallie AT

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When: Starts February 6, 2007 – 12 sessions
Cost: $200/month for 4 months (less than ½ the cost of individual coaching)

Invest in yourself. Don’t wait … you CAN have a job you truly enjoy.

I will see you in class–let’s rock and roll,

Hallie Crawford, MA, CPCC
Career Coach