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Career Corner – Tips for helping your college graduate declare their independence from YOU

Happy Independence Day!

Do you have a college graduate that has recently returned back home? Are you asking yourself: “How did this happen?” and “What can I do to get them on track with their own life?”

You want them to be independent but you don’t know where to start.

Here’s the deal: In school, students aren’t asked to think about who they are or what they want out of life. They learn about subjects, not about themselves. So they face a crisis later on when it’s time to decide what they want to be when they grow up. And when they don’t know the answer, they can become paralyzed and end up back at home. This can create stress for your graduate and for your whole family.

You need to tackle the issues right away, and head on. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Realize that college doesn’t provide all the answers. Few schools completely address helping a graduate find a job they love to do, write a solid resume, or develop networking skills. Help them find that ideal career, or hire someone who can help (for example a career coach that works with young professionals and recent college graduates).
  • Make a plan with them. Decide how long they can live at home, how they will help around house, and what bills they are responsible for.
  • Let them know unemployment is not an option. Even if they have to sling burgers to pay for their cell phone, transportation, and other things, that’s fine for the moment.

Enjoy the holiday weekend!

Hallie Crawford
Atlanta Certified Career Coach
College Grad Career Coaching