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Career Corner: Making It Happen, a Client Success Story-Susan Morse

Here are some career transition tips for you from one of my wonderful career coaching clients….I hope you find them helpful.

Susan MorseSusan spent 15 plus years as a school teacher and an administrator for a non-profit organization. Through coaching, she decided to follow a new path as a consultant and coach. As an entrepreneur, Susan has found a way to combine her values, priorities and natural talents into a fulfilling career.  Here’s Susan’s story with tips you can use to create your own career path:

a.      How did you uncover your dream job and what that was? 
By getting out of my own way, I was able to uncover answers that were already inside of me, overcoming negative ways of thinking and old beliefs that had held me back. Once I cleared out the clutter, the dream began to take shape.

b.      What challenges have you encountered along the way, and how have you handled them?
Financial: I took a year off to determine my ideal career path which was difficult financially, but I was able to find easy part-time work to reduce the impact.  We made a plan to handle our finances knowing this transition time wasn’t going to last forever.

Emotional Challenges: When I felt tired and unmotivated, I learned to ask for support. I built a support system and found allies in my acupuncturist, coach, husband and close friends. They helped keep me on my path of discovery. What helped me most in this process is the support system I established with my coach and my acupuncturist.

c.      Have there been any naysayers?  How have you managed to stay the course?
My biggest naysayer was me, and the negative voices in my head.  I managed to stay the course by dealing with these head on. With the help of my coach, I learned to change my thoughts from disempowering to empowering. I then found it much easier to ignore the naysayers in my group of friends and family in order to remain focused on my goals.

Tips: Any "words of wisdom" to share with others who are taking steps to create their own path?

1. Have faith in yourself. Second-guessing yourself will only make the process take longer.

2. Listen to your inner wisdom or intuition, and…don’t be afraid to follow it!

3. Identify your disempowering beliefs and learn to overcome them. Once you do, you will be better able to handle the naysayers.

4. Identify your allies and supporters and interact with them frequently. Hang around people who support you. Don’t interact with those who doubt you and try to bring you down.

If you’re unhappy in your job, and are on the fence about making a change. I encourage you to go for it. Use this success story to provide inspiration! Hallie