Career Corner: Love Your Job! Finding Fulfillment at Work Part IV

Today we continue with step 3 of our 5 step process to help you get
started on identifying your Career Values and making changes to feel
more fulfilled at work.

Step Three: Determine how you can begin to incorporate your Career Values into your current work situation. What changes can you make at work to begin honoring your values on a more regular basis?

For example: if your value of achievement is not being honored, one action step you can take is to begin to notice each day the things you accomplish at work. Before you leave at the end of the day write down the things you accomplished that day.

You can even create a daily habits checklist of things you will do each day to Jumpstart Career Coaching Sesssion. In this one-hour session you get to ask as many questions about your career goals as time permits. If you feel stuck where you are and just need a little boost to get you moving forward, sign up now.

For free tips, tools, and expert advice on finding a career you’re passionate about, visit my Web site at

Here’s to having a career you love!
Hallie Crawford
Career Transition Coach