Career Corner: Job Interviewing: Ten Tips for Success continued

Tip #3: Be prepared, know the organization.

You’ve probably heard this one a lot. I’d hear it, and I’ll be honest – sometimes I still did not do my homework before the interview! At the time I just thought I was being lazy but I now I know what was happening. I wasn’t really excited about the jobs in the 1st place. For you, this should be a red flag. Here’ something to consider – if you’re not jazzed about learning about the company or organization, should you really be applying there? If you’re avoiding doing your homework it could be because you’re not really passionate about the job. Think about this, and do some soul searching about the ideal career for you before you jump into that position and realize you’ve made a mistake.

Now if you’re sure this is it, this is a position you’re interested in: You’ll notice that many companies not only have a specific “personality,” but they’re mighty proud of the little perks and quirks that make them unique. Do they have their own brand of soda, like Microsoft? Do they offer flex time for working parents? Find out if they’re noteworthy in the news. Visit their Web site and do your online research. Were they part of a recent merger or did they just win a government contract? There is no better way to show your sincere interest than actually being interested. You might learn something cool about this organization that tells you, “Go for it!” Or, you could uncover some hidden dirt that makes you think twice before working there.

Good luck!

Rock and roll,
Your Career Coach Hallie

These career tips are excerpted from one of my recent career articles published in the National Contract Management Association’s "Contract Management" magazine. You can read the finding a career you love.