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Career Corner: Job Interviewing – Ten Tips for Success continued

Tip # 7. Write a list of questions about things you need to know.

You’ve probably heard this one before. And you may come up with the standard, what are the benefits, the hours etc. Great, those are important but you need to think harder about this. This is a place you may end up spending a lot of your time so you really need to know what’s up and ask some insightful questions, not just the standard ones. Here’s a way to get started with this –

A good way to figure out what you really want to know is to flash back to the last job you had. What did you like and what didn’t you like? Make a list of both. I suggest using the free career tool on my website to help you create your list.

For example: Let’s say you didn’t care for the way you had four different managers to report to. On interview day, you can ask, “Who will I be reporting to and what’s the general workflow for the department?”

Come up with insightful questions that will really let you know if this job is a fit for you. Take some time to consider what’s most important to you in your career and the organization where you’ll be spending the majority of your time.  Asking good questions is a great way to find out if this new place offers similar perks as you had before—and if they’ll fill the gaps where your old company fell short.Sometimes when the pressure’s on, it’s hard to know what to ask.

Finally, write them down. When the pressure’s on in the interview you may forget something. I think it’s perfectly acceptable to have a list of questions that you bring with you. It shows you’re prepared and you cared enough to be organized.

Good luck!

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