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Career Corner: Job Interviewing – Ten Tips for Success continued

Tip #10. Dress the part.

Career clients ask me this question about what to wear to an interview. And I think it’s harder to know these days with the trend towards dressing more casually at the office. I personally prefer to be over-dressed as opposed to under-dressed. I think it’s a good idea to err on that side.

One thing that goes without saying is to look neat and like you thought about your appearance, regardless of what you’re wearing. I always recommend: Look professional and wear something that shows your personality as well, depending on the type of job. Consider the environment.
For example, many jobs where employees meet with clients and vendors require the standard suit and tie/skirt and blazer. Other places have changed with the times, and now offer “dress down Fridays” or adopt “corporate casual,” which means khakis for guys, and skirts or nice pants for the ladies. So if it’s formal, be a little more formal. If it’s not, tone it down and be casual yet crisp and neat. Look put together.

I also suggest for the interview: 1. Add something that shows a bit of your personal style—maybe a favorite tie, earrings, or something else with flair that shows a bit of who you are. 2. Wear something that makes you feel good and confident. If you’re wearing something that makes you feel confident, that energy will come across in the interview. So choose wisely, pick something that will work for you not against you.

(These career tips are excerpted from one of my recent career articles published in the National Contract Management Association’s "Contract Management" magazine. finding a career you love.)

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