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Career Corner: A Tip for Choosing a More Fulfilling Career Path

Choosing a career path that's right for you is a process that takes time. Here's a tip that can help you get started:

Create a support team. Any big change or transition can be stressful and sometimes downright difficult. We are creatures of habit and change can throw us off balance or make us feel uncomfortable in other ways. In your quest to find a career path that works for you, don't go it alone — get support. Hire a coach, find a mentor, attend a class, or join a group to help you through the ups and downs along the journey.

A partner can have a lasting positive influence on your performance and overall mindset. Athletes, opera singers, and body builders know it helps to have a coach — a partner who gives you honest feedback and cheers you on as you move forward. It can make the process smoother, quicker and ultimately more rewarding.

Who will accompany you on your journey to career success?

Here's to having a career you love,

Hallie Crawford
Career Search for College Graduates