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So I’m thinking about getting a Crackberry. I’ve avoided it, like I do most technology. (I still have an old “candy-bar” sized cell phone that my friend Maggie makes fun of. It’s a Nokia. When I drop it and it breaks into pieces, I can put it back together and it still works. I love that!)

Lately, there have been too many times that I’ve wanted to check my email on the road – without opening my laptop and hoping there’s a wireless internet connection nearby. So I want to look into something else…

Do any of you have recommendations on Blackberry vs. Palm Treo or anything else similar? Please write me or comment if you do. I’m hoping there are some “Mavens” out there who know these devices inside and out. (I’m reading about Mavens in The Tipping Point-an insightful, fascinating book.) I want something that has everything in it – email, address book, task list – that would also enable me to view and work on Word documents downloaded from my laptop. Would love to hear your experiences/recommendations with these devices. Thanks!

Want to know the bext cell phone deals in your area? Kiplingers Magazine rated as the best site to quickly find the best cell phone plans and deals in your area. Enter your zip code and a few other parameters and it filters plans for you. You can also compare plans side by side. I tried it this morning, pretty cool.

It won’t help me decide on a Blackberry or Treo though. And by the way, I am committed to not being a slave to my Blackberry, especially on vacation. We’ll see how that goes. Have a nice day, Hallie