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There are so many rumors that circulate about the "right or wrong way" to craft your career resume. Can you recall people in your lifetime, offering you free advice on the proper protocol for resume creation?

"Always list your career history in chronological order."

"Make sure you print on cream or grey parchment paper instead of plain white so you'll get noticed in the pile."

"Don't make even the tiniest mistake or your resume will get thrown into the trash!"

What other resume writing rumors have you been exposed to over the course of your career? Do you feel they're justified, or are some of them just hype?

The fact is, each career opportunity is unique, as is each employer. Something that appeals to one hiring manager may actually be a turnoff to another. You won't know what that might be until the day of your interview… so, there’s no sense in obsessing about it or trying to please everyone.

If you want help avoiding the resume writing rumors, we offer multiple resume and cover letter services that you can check out here

If you'd like to speak to a professional career counselor about this or other aspects of your career search, contact me

Hallie Crawford
Career Coach and Speaker