Life Lesson for Monday and Personal Note: It’s not the situation, it’s how you react to it
As your food for thought for this week, here’s a Life Lessons excerpt from my September Career Ezine, Creating Your Own Path. To check out
As your food for thought for this week, here’s a Life Lessons excerpt from my September Career Ezine, Creating Your Own Path. To check out
As you know, I am pregnant – about 6 months along now. And I’m becoming immersed in kid stuff, although I’ve tried to resist it
Tip #4: Take the pressure off… you have options. Relax and chill. If you put too much pressure on this process, and this one interview
Imagine having more than just a job…having a passion and purpose. Wake up each morning looking forward to going to work, feeling excited and enthusiastic
I’ve been reading The Science of Getting Rich and came across this interesting quote. I bring it up because people in career transition are often
Tip #3: Be prepared, know the organization. You’ve probably heard this one a lot. I’d hear it, and I’ll be honest – sometimes I still
I’ve talked before about how vitally important it is to have support during your career transition, and to make things easy on yourself while you’re
Tip #2: Remember, you’re interviewing them, too.So many people view the job interview as a test—and they’d better pass with flying colors or they’re in
Begin 2008 with a fresh start, in a job you truly enjoy! Career Seekers Teleclass begins next Tuesday Imagine waking up each morning and looking
This week’s career tips are excerpted from one of my recent career articles published in the National Contract Management Association’s Contract Management magazine. Hope these