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Adjust Your Career Transition Attitude

Pounding the pavement for a job search is tough. Let’s face it; it’s not going to appear on anyone’s top 10 list of fun things to do. But if you go into you job search with the wrong attitude, it’s going to be a downward spiral with a potentially unhappy ending. The good news is… you can help prevent this.

You need to make career decisions from a position of strength or possibility and not out of fear, weakness or other negative feelings. It may take practice, but creating that feeling of strength and optimism can happen. This will help you to bolster you outlook on your job search:

  • Worrying does NOT help – Taking action does. Do something about the challenges you’re facing. This not only helps you tackle each challenge head on, it also empowers and motivates you to continue to achieve success along your career path!
  • Evaluate your decision making process – Take some time to notice how you approach your decisions. Are you approaching them with confidence and strength? If the answer is yes, then you’ll know that you’re getting a positive outcome as a result of this positive attitude and actions. If you approach decisions with fear or anger, then, conversely, you’ll notice the result is much less constructive.
  • Practice being positive – Consciously practicing being positive may feel strange at first so take small steps. How are you feeling about the decisions you are making. If you are experiencing ‘bad vibes’ then it might be time to shift your mindset, or to table that important decision until you feel more comfortable and confident.
  • Invest in yourself – While money may seem tight right now, one of your best bets is to spend resources making yourself invaluable to your current or potential employer. When you invest in your education – through additional classes to beef up skills or through advanced programs to learn new skills – you enhance your value and marketability.

Here's to having a career you love!

Hallie Crawford
Career Transition Coach