Are you a mid-career professional who dreams of making a difference and being part of something truly meaningful? This sounds wonderful, but when so many professionals are struggling just to get by due to COVID we realize for some of us this can seem too good to be true. For some professionals, given COVID it can seem unrealistic to think about long-term career goals. As career coaches, we understand these challenges. We have been helping professionals throughout the current economic crisis and there is good news: you can thrive instead of just survive your career. We want to share some helpful tips to get you started because we truly care.

To thrive in your career, it’s important to make sure you are excited about the future of your career. To do this, you will need to define your career aspirations. Unfortunately, many professionals skip this step when planning for the future and simply do what they think is expected of them or what is traditional. This leads to overall dissatisfaction. In fact, a recent Harris Interactive survey found that only 20 percent of those surveyed felt very passionate about their jobs. To better position yourself for the future, we recommend the following:
Envision where you want to be in the future. Think about what you want to be doing 5 to 10 years from now. Write down anything that comes to mind, it’s OK to dream big! What themes do you start to see in the career scenarios you have written down?
Identify who you are professionally. This includes your strengths, values, personality type and interests. What experience and education do you have? Speaking to a career coach, mentor, or close friend can give you invaluable insight about these items. Now think about what goals or change you would need to make to reach those career scenarios. Can you start getting some additional experience or education now to position yourself for your future? Do you need to work on a specific skill set?
Where are you currently going? Will your current career path lead you to the career scenarios you have envisioned for yourself? Imagine what your ideal future work day would look like. Is it realistic to expect that your current path will help you achieve that ideal? You may find that you need to make some adjustments with time to help you reach your ideal, such as taking a different position or working at a different company.
We also recommend that you ask yourself honestly:
- What critical roles do you need over the next 1-5 years and are they available at your current organization?
- Is the current organization the right fit for your career goals?
- Who can provide you with support and accountability?
- Are there any blocks to your success?
You will spend approximately 90,000 hours of your life at work. You can find purpose and deeper meaning for your career now and in the future. Let’s talk! Schedule a free consult.