Your career plan for 2014 – Part 2

Part 2: Make it great

I enjoyed this article in Forbes and I wanted to share with you: The Single Greatest Piece Of Advice Steve Jobs Gave ‘Frozen’ Executive Producer John Lasseter. It is important food for thought in the new year as we think about. Not just career planning for that next step, but what we can do now to improve our performance in our current position

We get so caught up in the day to day of our jobs, multi-tasking, feeling the thrill so to speak of checking things off our list, that we too often lose sight of the big picture. Are we doing the best job that we can? Are we serving our customers as effectively as we are able to?

Take a moment before the new year, 30 minutes is enough, to reflect on each aspect of your job. Complete these steps:

1) Write down each task you are expected to perform each day. The major pieces, it doesn’t have to be every single small thing you do. For example, marketing strategy, financial reporting, data analysis, customer service.

2) Break each of them down into the steps required for each task. Customer communication, problem solving, creative thinking, team meetings with co-workers, etc.

3) Then for each one ask yourself:

a. Are you producing the best results possible?

b. Are you leveraging your strengths for each task?

c. What do you need to change to make it better or “make it great” to use the language from this article.

Big picture thinking and planning is a critical piece to your success at work. As you plan for 2014, include these questions in your process. It will not only improve your work performance, but it will enhance your motivation and provide a continued sense of challenge in your work as well. Revisit the exercise every quarter this year. Mark it on your calendar :)

Hallie Crawford
Ideal Career Coach

P.S. Be sure to check out our LinkedIn Consulting Program where you can learn how to effectively leverage your LinkedIn account for your job search and ongoing professional development.