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You need to SPEAK UP in your job search!

Today I wanted to share with you the importance of having an opinion and a strategy in your job search. I often have to discuss with my clients how crucial it is to have a plan while in career transition. You have to be prepared for everything that comes your way so that you can have the confidence you need to land a job. This is especially true once you are in the interviewing process.

For example, my career coaching client Paul in California recently shared with me that when he’s in an interview he often gets nervous, does not speak up and does not voice his opinion. He knows that this is not good because they can’t evaluate him as an employee if he does not speak up. Having an opinion and something to say in the interview process helps the employer know how you think and how you would handle situations as an employee.

Don’t try to just please the interviewer, the prospective employer, or someone you are trying to network with. It does take some balance. You don’t want to come off as rude or try to control the conversation. Be respectful, be relaxed and be yourself, so that you can show them what you really have to offer.

If you’d like more help in your job search, please contact us today for a complimentary consultation!

Hallie Crawford
Atlanta Career Coach

P.S. How do you know if your resume is good? Take this Resume Quiz to find out how to keep your resume out of the trash can.