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Why recruiters ignore you – And what you can do about it

This will be short and sweet today because I wanted to highlight this article about how to best approach recruiters: Why Recruiters Ignore You (and What to Do Differently)

Richard Kirby is a well-respected colleague with some great insights on how to give a positive impression to recruiters. Recruiters sometimes feel job seekers take too much of their time. Keep this advice he shares in mind and be positive and direct, yet professional with recruiters. Ask them how to best work with them, what method of communication they prefer and …

“DO use your most powerful tool for receiving help from recruiters and staffing professionals – mutually beneficial networking. Renew existing relationships and gain warm introductions to additional recruiters by utilizing effective personal networking techniques.”

Thank you Richard, great article!

Hallie Crawford
Ideal Career Coach

P.S. How do you know if your resume is good? Take this Resume Quiz to find out how to keep your resume out of the trash can.