What makes you unique in your job search?

Here is a recent article from WSJ.com that I found very helpful, Must-Have Job Skills in 2013. For a successful job search, create your brand by defining what your unique selling points are. Here are some questions to consider when creating your brand:

  • What makes you special?
  • What talents and/or skills do you have that not everyone has?
  • What stands out most about your personality type?
  • Are you really direct and assertive?
  • Are you good at resolving conflict?
  • Are you a great negotiator?
  • What are you personality traits?

To help you find your brand ask other people who know you well, or have worked with you, for feedback on these questions. Another option is to look at past work experience. Work experience is a key part of your brand because it can help you pinpoint the highlights of your career.

Luckily, social media makes it easier to create a brand. It’s more important than ever before to incorporate social media into your job search. It is a very useful tool to  make your brand more powerful and VISIBLE. Use social media to leverage your brand, and to have wider audience.

If you’d like more help with you job search, contact us today for a complimentary consultation.

Hallie Crawford
Career Coach

P.S. How do you know if your resume is good? Take this Resume Quiz to find out how to keep your resume out of the trash can.