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What Career Issues Do You Want to Address?

Welcome to Monday!

How is your new year so far? Hopefully you have established your goals for 2008 and are on your way to making them happen. If you missed my free goal setting worksheet, you can access it here.

I am just getting back to work after maternity leave and — I want to know how I can help you this year! Is there a particular career issue you need help with? Would you like to participate in lower cost group coaching? Are you interested in a one-hour teleclass that address a specific need? Let me know. I’d love to hear from you. Send me an emali at: hallie @

For those of you who are chomping at the bit, ready to find a job you love in 2008, there’s still time to register for my Career Seekers Teleclass starting Feb 26th!

Have a great week!

Hallie Crawford
Career Expert