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What can time do for your career journey?

I was very impressed when I received this email awhile back from my career coaching client, Robin. Check out how prepared he was for his career fair. It went really well after all the time and effort he put into it!

I researched all 120 companies attending and wound up with a list of 12 I thought were good fits. Further research pared the list down to 4 and I received an invitation from a fifth who saw my profile on the career fair web site and asked me to come talk to them. I prepared folders with my resume, a business card and a cover letter slightly customized for each company. That seemed to be very well received and was an indication of my level of professionalism.

Having a plan and being prepared with information about the company and the positions they were looking to fill was invaluable. The lead company did not even list the position I wanted in the booklet we all received. It was an interesting and very fruitful discussion. Because I knew who I wanted to talk to and what I was interested in, I feel all of the discussions went well and expect good results. None of them may ultimately result in a job, but not for lack of preparation or execution.

When dealing with your job search, it’s always worth going the extra mile. Follow Robin’s lead and put the extra time and effort into preparing for your networking events and interviews. It will pay off!

Hallie Crawford
Job Search Coach

P.S. Is your resume ready for your networking events? Read this article to help you get organized and prepare for the big event!